Christmas Edition: Christmas Gingerbread Men Cookie DIY Set
- Blank Gingerbread Man Cookie x 2 pc
- Blank Gingerbread Tree Cookie x 2 pc
- Blank Gingerbread Reindeer Cookie x 1 pc
- Customised Gingerbread Big Man Cookie with your kid's name
- 4 chocolate pens
*The chocolate pens are manufactured in Hong Kong and they are reusable, if the chocolate pens are out of stock, we will replace it with another chocolate pen from Japan
- Christmas Sprinkles x 2
- 1 Christmas Box
We will confirm the delivery date with you once the order is placed via email or Whatsapp.
- 2件薑餅人曲奇
- 2件 薑餅聖誕樹曲奇
- 1件 薑餅聖誕鹿曲奇
- 1件薑餅人曲奇 (可定制想要的名字,性別)
- 4支朱古力筆,朱古力筆是由香港製造, 亦可循環再用。如香港製造朱古力筆缺貨,我們將會以日本製的朱古力筆代替
- 2款聖誕節裝飾糖果
- 1個聖誕節屋形包裝盒 (如缺貨,將會以另外的聖誕盒代替)